President and Mrs. Eisenhower and Achmed Soekarno
Original caption: 5/19/1956-Washingto n, D.C.- President and Mrs. Eisenhower are greeted by President Achmed Soekarno of Indonesia as they arrived at the Mayflower Hotel for a dinner given by President Soekarno in their honor.
Speaking at the dinner, President Eisenhower said that Dr. Soekarno has given the US a "new thought, feeling and conception of freedom."
Speaking at the dinner, President Eisenhower said that Dr. Soekarno has given the US a "new thought, feeling and conception of freedom."
In a toast to Mr. Eisenhower, President Soekarno said: "From what I have seen, this is a country of democracy and freedom."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBISDate Photographed: May 19, 1956
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